Friday, October 12, 2012

Student Designer Extraordinaire

Photography by Natasha Wilson
I'm blessed to know a lot of lovely and talented people. Nicole Suerez is one of these people. Though she is sadly currently studying at the University of Arizona, she and I studied together in our high school's Fashion and Textiles Design classes. In two years, we learned everything from silk painting and felting to pattern drafting and garment design. Nicole has taken those skills and transformed them into a business: TwentyTwo Boutique. She sells a plethora of shirts, skirts, dresses, aprons, and even lingerie - all designed and sewn lovingly by her! Her work has been showcased in two fashion shows, and she's been featured in an online magazine. Impressive, for a student-run business created a mere year ago!

Surely you didn't think that was the only thing she's been up to? Nicole is currently studying Costume Design, and she landed an internship this past summer as a Costume Production Assistant for Noah, Darren Aronofsky's new film. It stars Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Anthony Hopkins, and Jennifer Connelly. Get excited. The summer previous, Nicole interned at Steve Madden. Yes, THE Steve Madden. The shoe god of college girls everywhere. Nicole is nothing if not busy. Thankfully, she had time to answer some questions from an old friend! 

What inspired you to start 22B?

I was inspired to start 22B one night over my winter vacation. I had been selling my aprons on Etsy, but I wanted a place where people could see my designs as a brand, instead of just a search keyword. Two months later, I released TwentyTwo Boutique and I couldn't be happier! It makes it a more personal experience.

What were the greatest challenges you faced in starting up a brand new business?

The biggest challenge I had with setting up 22B was doing it alone. Each garment is a process. My products are all handmade, it's difficult to keep up with sales with a limited time schedule. 

How do you decide on what to make?
I decide what to make based on if I would buy it! I see trends that I like and I develop that into each garment. Chances are that if you don't love something, you won't buy it, and if you won't buy it, I'm not going to sell it. I keep my products streamlined with a few key pieces in each category.

What is it like displaying your work at a runway show?
I love doing runway shows! It's a great judge to see how my consumer is accepting the product. Whether the reaction is good or bad, it's exciting to hear people's opinion on my work, and it's especially inspiring to hear positive things. I guess it validates all the work I put into my line.

What advice would you give to other aspiring designers?
My advice to other aspiring designers is to just GO FOR IT. You never know what will happen unless you try. Make a solid product and try and sell it locally...working with my local community has made huge strides in my business!

What was the most valuable thing you learned while interning at Steve Madden?

The most valuable thing I learned at Steve Madden was to see how a product is created at such a higher level. Obviously the products aren't going to be handmade because of huge amount of demand, so it was interesting to see how they created a product at such a high amount. 

What about while being a costume production assistant for Noah?

Being a costume PA was one of the most amazing experiences. It allowed me to see, and listen, to so much of the design process. Working there was really inspiring and interesting. Instead of designing with the consumer in mind, you are designing for a specific character. For example, what is that character going to wake up and decide to wear in the morning? It's your job as the designer to figure that out. Also most products in fashion are designed for the present. Costumes can be in the future, past or present, so it creates a whole new level of design.

What are you planning on doing next? Both with 22B and your career?

What's next for me? I guess we'll see! I love my business and I also love working on movies. I'm planning on keeping 22B locally but if I land a job on a new movie in Nebraska...I guess I'll bring 22B there! 

Her site is

Be sure to like 22B's Facebook page and follow 22B on Twitter!

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