Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome to Winsome!

I’ve stammered and backtracked and rethought what it is I should write for the debut article of Winsome. As a modest online presence, hoping to cater to the population of one of the largest universities in the United States… Well, let’s just say the task is a tad daunting. I nearly didn’t even begin. It’s amazing to me after only four short weeks, this tentative idea has kindled from inspiration after watching Bill Cunningham New York, to business cards and grand plans. In a way, beginning this project represents the attitude that I love to see in others: Nerve. It was difficult for me to step outside my comfort zone (do you know how creepy you feel asking a bunch of people on the street if you can take their picture?!) and push boundaries. And yet, most of the people I desire to photograph do just that in the morning as they stand in front of their closets. It takes guts to stand out, or dress in a way that some might scorn or gaze at with quizzical expressions. Though my opinion is clichéd, I’m going to state it anyway: confidence is the best accessory. You can buy a couture dress and the most stunning heels anyone’s ever seen, but if you don’t feel you in them, everyone will see it.
I’m interested in those who represent a style all their own.

Winsome is, for now, a fashion blog. But I’m looking to push boundaries and expand Winsome into something greater. It began as a three-fold concept: a blog about fashion specific to ASU’s campus; a source of information, reviews, and commentary on fashion, art, culture, and student work; and as an expansion for my own work as a fine art and fashion photographer.
ASU Fashion was an important concept to me. I love watching trends develop and unfold, and I just love clothing in general. I constantly people watch the many fashion-forward men and women on campus, and Winsome became a way for me to share their style with the rest of the student body, and hopefully interest other appreciators of fashion.
Sometime soon, I will also include opinionated articles on the latest fashion magazine issues, trends, art, and culture. I want to be a voice for the latest subjects that ASU students are interested in, and focus on local fashionistas, artists, designers, galleries, and businesses.
As for my own artistic expression, I’m continually creating fine art photographs, specifically centered in film and darkroom printing. I am also currently partnering with a lovely friend of mine to create fashion editorial photography. We’re dreaming up the themes and hashing out the details, and as soon as we have work to show for it, it will be posted for all of you to see!

Thank you for looking! I will post new content each Wednesday and Friday, so check back for more posts soon!